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Join date: Sep 13, 2018
Dr. Abagail Mickelson has been working at LEVS since she graduated veterinary school from the University of Minnesota in 2014. Dr. Mickelson was born and raised in Duluth, Minnesota. She attended the University of Wisconsin River Falls and graduated in 2010 with a B.S. in Animal Science with an equine emphasis. Dr. Mickelson works on all large animals and her professional interests are equine dentistry, lameness and reproduction. She resides in Hayward, WI with her two dogs, two horses and donkey. She enjoys horseback riding, gardening and skijoring. She resides in Hayward, WI with her dog and cat (Lilly and Shorthorn), two horses and a donkey.
Posts (27)

Dec 7, 2022 ∙ 1 min
International Veterinary Medicine Day
In honor of international veterinary medicine day we'd like to give you a glimpse of some of the unique things our large animal...

Dec 7, 2022 ∙ 1 min
What's that in the snow ?!
With the snow finally here, many of you may be wondering if you should be concerned if you horse's urine appears red in the snow. The red...

Dec 7, 2022 ∙ 1 min
Cold Weather considersations
Companion animals aren't the only ones who have some cold weather considerations. Livestock, including horses, have their own unique...

Dr. Mickelson, DVM
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